Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Tehran Initiative, by Joel Rosenberg

In this second of three books regarding the end times for Israel in regards to her struggle with her neighbors in the Middle East Joel Rosenberg again shows that he can combine the headlines from today with scripture from the Holy Bible and predict with uncany accuracy what the headlines will read in the near future.

The Tehran Inititative picks up where The Twelfth Iman left off. If you have not read The Twelfth Iman you should really consider reading it first so that you will understand the flow of this middle book in what will be a triology. The Twelfth Iman is making inroads in pulling all of the nations of the Middle East together into one Caliphate that will group together to destroy the Little Satan (Israel) and the Big Satan (the United States).

The Twelfth Iman is the Messiah of the Muslim world. He has come to set up a new Kingdom that will control the entire world and bring a one world government that will change the course of the world economy as well as bring the proper religion (Muslim, Shariah Law) into place. The people of the Muslim world are flocking to the Twelfth Iman, but their national leaders are a little more skeptical. But they are turning to him one by one and building the alliance.

The Christian community on the other hand sees the Twelfth Iman as the predicessor to End Times Theology. The ushering in of the False Prophet and the Anit-Christ. So, we have a classic conflict of religious authorities that is taking place.

On one side is Israel and the U.S. and on the other side is the Muslim world. The question is, will the CIA be able to effectively inflitrate Iran and the Twelfth Iman's ruling group or will they fail and plunge the world into a war that will see nuclear destruction as it has never been seen before.

Will the U.S. and Israel remain partners or will the U.S. back away from Israel and leave them to face their fate on their own?

As usual to a Rosenberg book it starts out with a policital disaster. The Twelfth Iman's group attempts to assinate the President of the United States, The President of Egypt and the Prime Minister of Israel in one terrorist attack. They are partially successful. This starts the tensions building and the showdown begins between Israel and Iran, between Israel and the United States and also between Iran and the CIA. Who will come out on top? Will the world come to an end?

As usual, a second book in a triology brings answers to the first book but then leaves questions unanswered that will be finalized in the third book. 

But this book is a page turner. Once you start it you won't want to put it down. I guarantee that you will enjoy this read if you enjoy political end times thrillers.


1 comment:

  1. yes! an enjoyable read. I did like the suspense in the 12th Imam better though. This was a bit predictable (after reading his last fictional series.)

    Say hello to your precious wife for me too!
