Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dreams and Visions, by Tom Doyle

There is a new / old phenomenon happening in the world today, that is "dreams and visions." That is the title of this wonderful book, but a reminder of something amazing that is happening. This isn't about just any dreams or visions, this is about "God Sightings," maybe more precisely "Jesus sightings." In this book Tom Doyle pulls together a collection of stories from a collection of Middle Eastern Countries that will encourage, inspire and educate you as to what God is doing in "Muslim dominated" countries.

As a Pastor and Missiologist I often teach classes about the need for people to become "missionaries" to "closed access" countries. These are countries where a traditional missionary can not gain access. They often times are Muslim countries that do not want Christianity to be introduced into their nation.

But even though human missionaries can not gain access that is not stopping God for doing His work. Doyle chronicles for us, true stories, how Jesus is appearing in dreams and visions to Muslims and sharing with them His peace, gentleness, security and love. He quietly enters into their religious world through an avenue that most "Western Christians" think is long out of use. He is entering through appearing bodily to people in dreams and visions.

When Christ appears he brings with Him a sense of love and peace that the people who experience it cannot deny. They can't run away from it and actually are drawn to it. They are drawn to it so much that they are seeking out people whom they know are Christians and asking for help.

What's amazing is that they are coming to Christ even though they know it could mean their death.

This is a must read for all Christians who are wondering how God will be made known among Muslims. This is a must read for Muslims who wonder if Jesus truly existed and was he just a prophet or as he stated, the Son of God. This is a must read for people worried about the Middle East and the war and violence that is going on there. You will be encouraged that there is an avenue of peace that can transpire and overcome the hatred and violence that is happening.

I highly recommend this book to everyone interested in what is going on in the Middle East.

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