A young friend suggested that I read this book to see what City Team is doing throughout the world and how their Disciple Making Movement through their Discovery Bible Studies is making a profound impact on the Muslim world and allowing the Holy Spirit to work to bring many Muslims to faith in Jesus Christ.
I found the stories in the book very inspiring. The stories are amazing. The truth of the stories will encourage every believer that God is at work and that we need to re-evaluate how we spread the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission.
But there are some Theological rough spots. There are some comments, principles, "truths" that they claim that do not completely square up with the Bible. The Apostle Paul warned Timothy to examine every teaching to make sure that it squares up with the Holy Scriptures, well, not every thing they say in this book squares up. I will talk about that later.
The book claims that City Team has discovered Biblical Principles and Values that have been
hidden "in plain sight' in the pages of the Bible. They claim that these principles are simple and easy to implement and that they hold the key to spreading the Gospel amongst Muslims (as well as other people groups).
What are these simple hidden truths? Well, the best I can come up with is, tell Biblical Stories, Pray often for your listeners and fast regularly and pray for the work that you are called to. Then allow the Holy Spirit to do the real work of drawing people to Jesus.
They look at Luke 10 and Matthew 10 and talk about Jesus saying the Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. The Harvest is ripe but the church (espcially the Western Church) has dropped the ball on providing harvesters for the work.
They are expressing that if you go to a Muslim Village and find a house of peace, then stay at that house and through your presence and good works you will eventually be allowed to share Bible Stories and tell others about Jesus. The Holy Spirit will then do the work to bring people to salvation.
As you tell your stories, you do discipleship through the story telling and helping the others to learn those stories and to obey the commands of Jesus. Through your discipleship you will lead people to salvation.
OK, many of their truths are good. Many of their ideas are sound. The results of much of what they do is amazing. Although frankly it talks about the many small churches in many villages that they are planting, but it doesn't give any solid evidence of the depth of growth in the lives of the people that they are
"discipling towards salvation." (I always thought discipleship came after salvation?)
Maybe I am being harsh, but they in their thrust to say it is simple seem to not desire to see people grow in depth and knowledge of the Theology of God. All Theology is, is really knowing God, growing in your knowledge of God.
But they push the theory that knowledge is bad. Experience is good. Their evidence that they are correct is the fact that miracles are happening in all of the church plants that they are doing. So, God is obviously involved since miracles are happening. God is obviously involved because many Muslims are having encounters with Jesus in their dreams and visions.
I don't disagree that this is bad but here is why I am bothered;
They state on page 106 that with the Discovery Bible Study you tell stories, let people ponder them and let the Holy Spirit do His work. They state
"Do not teach or preach the Word." Really, come on. Don't teach or preach. I'm sorry maybe I am naive or duped by my upbringing, but I do believe that the Bible tells us to TEACH the word, to PREACH the Gospel.
Matthew 28:20 states "teaching them to observe." This is part of the main scripture City Team uses, the scripture says TEACH but city team states, "Do not teach or preach the Word."
How do they get off telling us not to teach? Then in 2 Timohty 2:24 Paul tells Timothy "and the Lord's servant . . . . be able to teach." Earlier in Timothy and other letters Paul tells his disciples, abide by my teaching. Live by my teaching. Teach to others what I have taught you.
I'm sorry Jerry but the Bible is meant to be taught and preached. The Gospel is meant to be taught and preached. Yes the Holy Spirit is the one that draws people to Christ and yes many Muslims, Buddist and Hindu's are seeing visions dreaming dreams and having miracles happen that Jesus is directing.
But even Jesus told us to go and make disciples, TEACHING them to obey everything I have commanded.
Your book is filled with wonderful stories that encourage us, The Western Church, that God is moving in the Muslim world, but don't bring shame on your method by misquoting scripture and telling people that the Bible (the Gospel) doesn't need to be taught nor preached. Shame on you.
Friends, read the stories, be encouraged, thank God for His miraculous work and learn from what Jerry says about our need to not be angry or afriad of Muslims, but to learn to love them the way Jesus loves them. Yes that is good teaching. But also be an informed reader who tests the Biblical Principles they talk about against the whole of scripture.