The book is divided into three parts;
Part One: A Biblical Theology of Marriage. titled "Glory without Limits"
Part Two: The Roles of each partner and the One Flesh concept, titled "Love within marriage"
Part Three: General principles regarding marriage, titled "Climbing Always Upward"
Each section can stand on it's own. So, if you want to use this book as a reference and have couples read different sections / chapters at a time that is possible, it won't detract. But reading it through from the beginning to the end is always advisable as Part One will set the groundwork for the next two Parts. So, reading Part One first is advisable and then if you want you can skip around.
The principles written about are rock solid. Tim writes from a good Theological background and also it is obvious from a rich background of counseling.
Who will benefit from this book: Pastors Lay Counselors Couples facing difficulties in their marriage Couples who are anticipating marriage and want a good book to read and give them discussion starters with their mate I believe the work is well done and will be a valued addition to every Christians Library.