I really appreciated DeYoung's handling of the subject matter. He starts the book off by pointing out that many young people in today's society are having a hard time growing up and moving into Adulthood. I couldn't agree more with that thought. I really liked the thoughts DeYoung put behind that, it has a lot to do with the overload of information, overload of decisions to be made and the paralysis of not wanting to make a mistake. Thus DeYoung comes to the comment, "Just Do Something!"
In chapter two he gets down to the basics of the question, what is the will of God. Here is a quote from DeYoung, "The `will of God' is one of the most confusing phrases in the Christian vocabulary. Sometimes we speak of all things happening according to God's will. Other times we talk about being obedient and doing the will of God. And still other times we talk about finding the will of God. The confusion is due to our using the phrase `the will of God' in at least three different ways, typified in the previous three sentences." DeYoung then goes on to talk about these three differences and why they cause so much grief. His book is filled with good Theology and very practical advice.
As a pastor who works with many college age and young adults I know that they are struggling with this topic. How do I know whether God wants me to take this job, or go to this school or date this person? Those are big questions and they deserve answers. What I am really happy about is the fact that young people do want to know "The Will of God!" That is refreshing.
DeYoung gives very practical advice on the subject and plenty of thoughts for us to kick around in small groups. I think he very correctly points out that often times we need to "do something" and get off our worry chair. To often we feel that we can't proceed because we don't know what God wants. His point, very simply, if you love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and are seeking to do God's will then move ahead and make some decisions.
Now, before you make the decisions, do pray about them, do seek the advice of others, do go to Scripture and do some research. But once you have done that don't get nervous that you didn't hear a voice from heaven given you point blank direction. Take a step and move out. God will direct your steps. He will, as long as you are seeking His help give you gentle nudges that help you proceed in the right direction.
I really enjoyed DeYoung's treatment of this subject. I personally will keep copies of this on my shelf and when I have others coming asking advice about what God's will is I will be happy to share this book with them and go through it with them so that we can learn together.
Thank you Kevin for your insight and help.
While I've not yet read this book, I have listened to his message about this many times. You're right-- people in my stage of life need to hear this.