Sunday, August 31, 2014

Thoughts on Pastor Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church

I have been pretty silent on the issue of Mars Hill Church and the turmoil that Mark Driscoll finds himself in. Many have asked about my thoughts and I have told them but have not put anything in writing.

Warren Throckmorton at has given very good coverage to the issues of Mars Hill and all that is happening. Some pundits find it satisfying that Mark Driscoll has stepped down as the Lead Pastor at Mars Hill.  But, we need to read the announcement carefully.  He has only taken a six-week leave of absence while the Elders review the charges against him.

What has brought this action about?  Well, the releasing of twenty plus pastors from their association and the resigning of many others has not been helpful. They were also charges of plagiarism (with documentation) in the recent past. Then the disclosure of the effort to manipulate the Book selling marketplace to get Driscoll’s book on the New York Times top 10 list.  Along with this are Mark’s own comments in sermons about certain pastors and leadership style.

These things bring to light what can only be thought of in my mind as Pride and Arrogance on the part of a Mega Church Senior Pastor. He believes he is above the bar when it comes to Christian Ethics and moral attitudes.  His attitudes as well as those of his Executive committee regarding ignoring the Orange County Commissioners and Zoning Planners is one example.  The Executive Committee told the local pastor to ignore the orders to vacate the property the church was using because it was not zoned properly.  They told the pastor, let them come after us and we will mount a campaign of religious persecution to shame them into relenting.  That is not what a Christian Ministry should do.

I believe that the Pride and Arrogance that we see in Pastor Driscoll is similar to the Pride and Arrogance that King David showed in his relationship with Bathsheba.  He refused to acknowledge his sin.  Thus God had to bring judgment on him and it cost the life of the child that was born to Bathsheba.  Even King David, a man after God’s own heart, could not avoid the sin of Pride and Arrogance in this situation.

Pastor Driscoll should acknowledge that his style of leadership is not that of a Shepherd Leader and not following Christian Ethics or Biblical principles.  He needs to face the music, accept the punishment that God sets forth and then realize that God will allow him to then be restored to ministry and allowed to again serve and serve faithfully.

We need to hold our mega church media favored Pastors to the same standard of any Pastor as Paul express to Timothy.  They need to be above reproach with not even a hint of scandal.

I pray that Mark Driscoll can come to see the error of his way.  I pray that those if us in Pastoral work can heed the examples of sin that are so straight forward in this case and repent of our evil ways and seek to serve God as good Shepherds of the Flocks that He has place under our care.

Let us remember that none of us are without sin.  God is merciful and righteous and forgives our sins when we confess them. He also loves to use sinful but repentant people to further His Kingdom.

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