In this the final volume of a work on the teachings of John Wesley we find that Thomas Oden gives us a good review of how John Wesley viewed Ethics and Society. The teaching is divided into the following sections;
Part One: Social Ethics
Part Two: Economic Ethics
Part Three: Political Ethics
Part Four: Theological Ethics
It is amazing to me that John Wesley's teachings are 200 plus years old but yet still relevant to our society today. It is much like The Bible where Holy Scripture can be thousands of years old but still hold relevant truths for today's culture and society. This just goes to show us that Biblical Truth and is taught with integrity to scripture will always be relevant.
Given the current cultural upheaval that my particular community is facing in regards to racial issues I was very intrigued by what Wesley had to say in regards to Slavery. His section on "Confronting the Moral Failures of Slavery" is so in tune with truth that it sheds a great light even today on what we face. In 1791 Wesley wrote to William Wilberforce to encourage him to continue to fight against slavery. He wrote about how the African's that he had visited in their native land were more inclined to be living productive fruitful lives more in line with Adam and Eve in the garden than those of the "cultured" elite living in England, Europe and America. He was appalled by the conditions that he saw the slaves relegated to and was calling all to cease in their activity.
His open letter to Ship Captains calling on them to cease the activity of the slave trade points to what I would say is a treatment much like Martin Luther's statement nailed to the Wittenberg door. Wesley knew his scripture and was calling Christians to abide by the truth of the scripture to Love their Neighbors as themselves.
Many other topics he brings to light will encourage you to take a broader more Biblical look at how we face Ethics today. How can we declare our war on illegal immigration, our push against entitlement to the poor and our crackdown on age and sex discrimination without comparing the topics to Scripture and God's teaching and truths.
I was highly encouraged by this work and thought that it was a great work for Thomas Oden to take on. He has given us a great reference tool to understand the mind and character of a great man of God.
I encourage you to buy and read this volume and then purchase the other three volumes and acquaint yourself with teachings that will encourage your heart.
Being the father of Methodist thought I am amazed that the Methodist church has taken the path they are on and have so abandoned the scriptural teachings of scripture. They instead have adopted a social gospel but left the truth of the entire gospel in the dust. I pray they would reacquaint themselves with Wesley's teaching and repent of their sins and return to the Gospel of truth.
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