We are coming up on the one year anniversary of the
confrontation between Michael Brown and Officer Wilson. The result of that
confrontation was the death of Michael Brown, severe civil unrest and the
eventual resignation of Officer Wilson.
What else has happened?
Here are the positives;
1. There has been a hard look at Police Procedures and the
need for body camera’s as well as dash cameras.
2. The civil court in Ferguson has been re-vamped and the
judge replaced with one that will conduct the affairs of the court in a more
non-prejudicial method.
3. The Police Chief of Ferguson has stepped down and the
department will go through a revamping under a new Chief.
4. A citizen’s review committee has been put in place to
look at any future conflicts between Police and the Public.
Here are the negatives;
1. There is still distrust between the African American
Community and the Police Department
2. There is still not a coalition of African American and
Anglo Churches coming together for good dialogue and goal setting for giving
the community the healing that it needs.
3. Some businesses are still not rebuilt and others have
gone out of business because of the lack of customers in lieu of the unrest
last summer.
4. There is still a major issue with the personnel racial
mix of the police department not mimicking the racial mix of the community.
5. The economy of the City of Ferguson is still facing major
hurdles, as people are still “frightened” to come to Ferguson to shop or dine.
6. The Media is still not giving positive coverage to
Ferguson and to the efforts of the community to rebuild. They still seem to
focus only on the negative in the community.
What concerns me the most as we come up on the anniversary
is that there are major plans underway by several groups to stage protests in
memory of Michael Brown this next weekend. These protests are designed to
disrupt commerce and to also push the police and Ferguson Government into a
reactionary mode rather than a protect and serve mode.
I believe that this might be a recipe for a repeat of last
years civil unrest. It is also a shame that some of the event organizers are
actually inviting “paid civil unrest protestors” to come into the City of
Ferguson to supplement their efforts. My question, “Who is paying them and why
do they feel they are needed?
So, here are some thoughts about positive actions for the
1. A peaceful march with signs to allow the community to
vent some of their still pent up frustrations with the civic authorities.
2. A call to prayer by the major African American and Anglo
Churches in the community.
3. A jobs fair to help people find employment to help
alleviate the growing unemployment rate.
4. A push by the Civic authorities to have a booth at the
job fair with applications and signing bonuses for African American, Latino and
Asian citizens to join the Police Department and help bring more balance to
racial mix of the department. There should be a set goal that the community
knows about the percentage mix the department is trying to achieve.
5. A community wide work day to help fix, paint, clean and
spruce up businesses that were damaged in last years unrest.
6. A candle light vigil with African American and Anglo
Pastors taking turns praying, giving short devotionals and mingling with the
people of Ferguson
Let us remember the tragic events of last summer, but
remember them in a way that will bring healing, unity and new friendships among
the people of the community and their civil servants.
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